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Token Trading. For Everyone.

Blazingly-fast trading at your fingertips with our free-to-use Telegram bot.

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Sniper Bot
Dive into Crypto Trading, where every coin is a chance at something big. QuantumBOT allows you to make it happen, Empowered by community engagement, shaped by enthusiasts like you. Join the adventure where chance meets crypto innovation.

Providing a low fee trading solution is the heart of the project

Empowered by our enthusiastic community.

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How to get started?

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Download Phantom or wallet of your choice, and create a wallet
Onboarding Screen
Onboarding Screen
Add some $SOL or $ETH to the wallet so you can send it to your Quantum Wallet
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Supported by
Solana Foundation Logo
OKX Logo
Bybit Logo
Phantom Logo
Get answers to your questions.
We're totally community-driven—no bosses, no VC’s, just the fam. Find answers here or visit the Documentation.
How do I start QuantumBOT?
Does QuantumBOT have a Take Profit or Stop Loss?
Does QuantumBOT allow multiple wallets?
Does QuantumBOT have Anti-Mev feature?
What is MEV?
Why is there no backup bots?
Is my Quantum wallet safe?